Thursday, February 15, 2018

Affective Objectives: Growing as a Person

        In a learners’ total development, it comprises the cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Affective objectives are the most uncommon among the three. After constructing objectives under it, I realized that it was neglected for a reason that it was the hardest target to accomplish.

            We struggled to make affective objectives. I found out then that it was hard to make one. It was confusing for us to come up with observable behaviors. Unlike the cognitive and psychomotor, affective requires a lot of attention to make it. The levels were hard to distinguish from one another.

            With the help and ideas of my groupmates, we were able to pull off perfect and considerable objectives under the affective domain. Although it was hard to accomplish our task, we were able to finish it. I was enlightened by this activity that students’ development is not only about how they think and how they do things. It is also about how they feel. It can really affect how they will learn in the future.

            Affective objectives can really help the teachers to mold not only “schooled” learners but instead, “educated” students.

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