Thursday, February 22, 2018

Quiz No. 2: Typical Catastrophe

             Our quiz had three parts namely the multiple choice type about the levels of affective domain and tools, fill in the blanks about the six pillars of character and constructing affective objectives.

            Distinguishing levels in affective domain is quite easy. Receiving means students are aware and open. Responding means students here participates in the class by answering or asking questions. Valuing is being aware of the worth of a behavior. Organization comes in when students pick the behavior prior to others. Characterization requires consistency, advocacy and it should come naturally.

            In the six pillars of character, the colors helped me recall what they are all about. For trustworthiness, it was blue. The color gold reminded me of the golden rule that states “you shall not do to others what you do not want them to do to you.” Therefore, the color is for respect. For responsibility, it was green. It is about being responsible for a garden or something. Fairness was my favorite because I think orange is a nice color for it. How the orange fruit divided into equal sizes and shapes truly shows what fairness is. Red symbolizes the heart which symbolizes caring. The color purple is for citizenship.

             Affective objectives are hard to make. Nevertheless, they are still important for they determine how a student will learn and what a student can do inside the classroom.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Citizenship: Contributing Yourself

          Citizenship is known to be a part of the six pillars of character that corresponds to being a good neighbor. A person can be considered as a good citizen if he takes part in the development of their country and environment. It is a broad concept to explain. That is why I had a hard time finding the perfect photo that will suit the word.

            I noticed that citizenship is related to trustworthiness because they both have the description, ‘loyal to the country’. I also got confused with responsibility. They possess the key terms, ‘take care of the environment’. Therefore, citizenship is connected to all the remaining pillars of character. A good citizen should respect others, be responsible, be trustworthy, be fair, and be caring.
            The assignment made me reflect to how I contribute to the society. It made think, ‘what am I doing for my country?’ The photo I submitted was a picture of teachers cleaning the school. I can see myself volunteering for it in the future.

            At the end, I realized that to be a good citizen, one should do what they can. Citizenship is the chance to make a difference to the place where you belong. No matter how small the act is, as long as you care for your country, it will always be the same like huge contributions. An individual should be a good example that a country can be proud of. That is what it takes to be a good citizen. 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Affective Objectives: Growing as a Person

        In a learners’ total development, it comprises the cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Affective objectives are the most uncommon among the three. After constructing objectives under it, I realized that it was neglected for a reason that it was the hardest target to accomplish.

            We struggled to make affective objectives. I found out then that it was hard to make one. It was confusing for us to come up with observable behaviors. Unlike the cognitive and psychomotor, affective requires a lot of attention to make it. The levels were hard to distinguish from one another.

            With the help and ideas of my groupmates, we were able to pull off perfect and considerable objectives under the affective domain. Although it was hard to accomplish our task, we were able to finish it. I was enlightened by this activity that students’ development is not only about how they think and how they do things. It is also about how they feel. It can really affect how they will learn in the future.

            Affective objectives can really help the teachers to mold not only “schooled” learners but instead, “educated” students.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Report and activity: A Privilege

              I was tasked to report the affective assessment. Basically, I am the first reporter. I was nervous back then so it showed while I was presenting the lesson. I prepared for that but I reported as if I don't know anything. I learned that I should be more calm and collected while speaking because I know to myself that I mastered my report.

                   The activity we did was "Pass the Answer" since group activities are trends nowadays. Everyone enjoyed and participated. Some were too competitive. Some just supported silently. At the end, we connected the affective in our activity.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Quiz No. 1: Paperless Anxiety


There are two significant things the quiz had showed me.

            The quiz reminded me that keywords are important. Even if the question is long, if one knows the right words, a student will not be confused.
            It is important to pay attention to the basics. For instance, before going to the topic of assessment 2, it is necessary to go back and recall what you have learned in assessment 1. They can determine if a student is ready to go on with a higher level of knowledge. It was good to revive what we know in order for us to understand the new lesson more clearly.
           The basics include the four common terms in assessment which are the assessment, evaluation, measurement and test. Measures of central tendency and measures of variability were also included. The measures of central tendency are a number that can represent a set of numerical data while the measures of variability show the dispersion or differences of individual scores. The numbers there can be described as negatively skewed, positively skewed or normal depending on the distribution of scores.

            As a future teacher, those concepts are very important for handling a class in an effective manner. I can use the assessment as a way to improve what aspect is lacking and utilize more what aspect is necessary.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Mean, Median, Mode: Reacquinted

       Mean, median and mode were already taught to us even before back in high school and elementary days. This activity reminded me of how I love Mathematics. It was my first love before English.
            As future English teachers, we were taught about mainly literature and grammar. During our first year in college, we were given sentences, subject-verb agreement and choosing words as our breakfast every morning. Our lunch was composed of nutritious structure of the English language and our dinner was the different literatures around the world. Because of that experience I thought that I will eventually lost my appetite for numbers.
            Mean is like the average because they have the same formula. Median is the most challenging number to find because you have to arrange first the numbers into chronological order and then, find the middlemost number. The mode is the easiest to find but it is also tricky because you have to make sure that it is really the number that occurs the most frequently.
            Measures of central tendency are very important because it can help a teacher to summarize the results of her students. She can also describe if she got the positively skewed or negatively skewed.

             I realize that if you really love something, that love will never fade away. Mathematics will always be a part of who I am. Now, who says English Majors can’t do math?