Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Rubric: From Draft to Craft

I was confused between the difference of Holistic and Analytic Rubric. I didn't know what to do at first. I can't contribute.

The Draft - We were fighting and arguing about their difference that we forgot that we have a leader who can settle our disputes. I was trying to convince them about my opinion. I realized then that I am being a one-woman show which is not appropriate in a group task.

               I was able to learn that an analytic rubric resembles a grid with the criteria for a student product listed in the leftmost column and with levels of performance listed across the top row often using numbers and/or descriptive tags. The cells within the center of the rubric may be left blank or may contain descriptions of what the specified criteria look like for each level of performance. When scoring with an analytic rubric each of the criteria is scored individually while a holistic rubric consists of a single scale with all criteria to be included in the evaluation being considered together (e.g., clarity, organization, and mechanics). With a holistic rubric the rater assigns a single score (usually on a 1 to 4 or 1 to 6 point scale) based on an overall judgment of the student work. The rater matches an entire piece of student work to a single description on the scale.

The Craft - I was proud that we were not the last group to finish the task. We worked so hard for it but I saw our product and it was worth it.